Have you ever read anyone one my blog posts and located , Hey! all of them follow an identical format. And you recognize what, it’s not out coincidence, it’s for a reason. Because that formula helps me generate a minimum of thirty seven thousand visitors per blog post. does one want to understand that formula on how I write an ideal blog post. Today I’m gone share with you ways to write down a blog post from start to end .

Now before we start I just want to ask you guys to share my post to other your friends and loved one which want to try to to online blogging and earn money online. Now I even have an issue for you ways many of you've got writing a blog post before. If you've got leave a comment with “yes”. If you haven’t leave a comment with “no”. Because you recognize what whether you've got writing a blog post before.

You haven’t and I’m still curios and the way many of you written one. I’m gone to share with the right formula that I follow for my very own blog. It work for a b2c b2b a private blog or a company blog. It work for everything. I kid you not it is the simplest formula out there.


          Start off with a title don’t just start writing a blog post unless you've got the precise title don't writing your blog post eight out of ten people will read your headline. But only two out of ten will click through and skim the rest of your article. Doesn’t matter how amazing what blog post you write if you don’t write an honest headline. No one’s gone read the remainder of your post. All comes on to your headline or title or whatever you would like call it.

If you'd like some creativity attend the grocery and inspect a magazine. once you attend grocery . When you’re finding out you see of these magazine. they need amazing title with, the way to list base articles like reduce in 30 days, the way to shed five pound fast it doesn’t matter it’s a business magazine.

They all use catchy title and that’s what you would like to try to to together with your blog post and appearance for magazine for inspiration. I persist with the fundamentals . So start with the title and you don’t got to just create one variation of it. you'll create tow or three variations which ’s what I and that i ask people hey what do i like . I lost few friends . then I pick the only one and that’s what i'm going with the second step.


            The second step/tip that you simply need a lover when it comes is it introduction and your introduction. for instance i do know this is often a article but I hooked you by saying hey does one want the formula. That breaks on how i buy a minimum of thirty seven thousand plus visitors on per blog post by hooking the people and they’re gone read the remainder and together with your introduction.

It’s not just talking hooking people in it’s also about talking about what gone to covered within the post just give them a fast overview and what you’re gone to show them may be a good way to hooking them in also to urge them to travel more into your blog post read more and ideally even leave a comment at the top of your post.


            Your should includes subheadings. Subheadings confine mind you'd like your content easy to skim. If people can’t skim. It you’re not gone had best in your body use subheadings and keep paragraphs around five to 6 lines max.

In addition thereto when you’re writing your content your body. You’ll write your content completely. So next attend the fourth step.


            You’ll notice that least on any website, he link out people that’s a part of my formula it’s not almost linking to your own site. It’s about linking to other sites. Because what happen is once you link to other, websites abandoning your source.

You’re citing them it create more credibility for you causes you to and your business look more as an expert and that’s what you would like to be perceived at when you’re writing content.


            Last but not least you would like to warp up your post with a conclusion summarizes. What your post about and you finish your conclusion with the question but ending with question. More people are likely to go away a comment once they leave a comment and cri engagement by getting engagement you’re far more likely to get sales. If people read your blog but they don’t engagement with you. They‘re unlikely than to become a lead or buy your products or your services. So it’s really important you finish with the question and here’s .

What we found with conclusions we’re using crazy egg. We use a scroll map feature and what we found through testing was tons of individuals would read blog post. once they first land on them they quickly scroll right down to rock bottom inspect the conclusion then they are going copy and skim the remainder assuming they just like the conclusion. So along side your conclusion confirm you label it conclusion don’t get fancy keep.


                      I know this goes a touch above. They’re just writing but only a couple of people appear the hay once you link bent people . It flatter them people love getting back links. Because once you link bent someone, it drive them more traffic especially.   So once you link them out shoot them e-mail,

that’s it tons of individuals who get linking bent includes me don’t mind share article on twitter it drive a blog runner traffic and it make an individual you link to seem great. So that’s it if you would like more traffic to your blog you would like help with the writing content , or generate traffic check put my website