Today we are gone to see how can find low competition keyword for blogging with high traffic. If you have website and you want to rank you content on Google. you create  content on  random keyword.

Example: If we ae search about budget gaming laptop  this keyword is difficult to rank on Google.


Then there is a good chance your content never appear on Google. There are bigger site which have already covered this keyword. If you want your content rank on Google. We need to find low competition keyword. Which have low difficulty. Then create content for that keyword.

In this post, we're going to see how you can find low competition keyword  for your blog post./website. Which can be easily rank o Google.

So let get started. you're get information from Learn Blogging. let's find low competition keywords for our website or blog. 

first, let's look at our site for which we are going to find low competition keywords. As we are find keyword for Gaming laptops.

To find low comprtition keywords for our site. We need to do three steps

1.STEP : Find the keywords which people search for related to your website.


                Find the key words which people are searching for related to your website. To find the keyword let's open Google chrome. And go to keyword.io  and press enter. So you will go to keyword.io dashboard.

 Now this is the site which is going to help us to find  our keywords Then search your keyword related your topic. Then you will get keywords list. 

Then will chose some keywords. This keyword is commonly people search on Google. The first is complete.

 2. STEP: Select the keywords for which you want to write the content

Now, In this step I will chose keywords for write content to it. After select the keywords. To know keyword difficulty. We need a tool which provide us keywords difficulty. We need to go to kwfinder. This tool provide us keyword difficulty. First you need to create account on this. After account created you need to click on SEO Tools. 

After click on SEO Tools you see page like this. After show this type of page you click on KWfnder.

You will reached on new page which have option to find keyword difficulty. You will see the on the right corner you have option for go to app .

After you will click on go to app  you will reached to new page. Which have lots of option to find keywords of low SEO difficulty. Down a bar, which have a option of import keywords. For  improt keywords go back on keyword.io  to select the keywords which you want to write the content for it. 

After select the keywords go on kwfinder you see the option on right side of kwfinder.

After click on import option you see new type of page. On this you can paste your keywords on this page. 

After paste the keywords on this page you can see the difficulty on keywords. 

As you can see on image we find difficulties of keywords. We have the difficulty on right.  As you see first keyword have the difficulty of 77 that's very hard to rank on Google. we need to the difficulty less then 30. And see the traffic on each keyword.

As you see on image now the first keyword difficulty is less than 30. It have the difficulty of 18. On this keyword you can easily rank on Google. After select the keyword for which you want to write the content. Now the second step is complete.



To rank your for this keyword you need to write content on your website for this keyword. Like you see in image. To write the content on this keyword you need to go your site which you make for content writing. I will go to Wordpress.


As you see in image you have a option of add title so here I am add our keyword which i am find to rank on Google. First add you title on title option. After adding your keyword on title section. Then you need to write content for it. After you write your content you need to publish your content on your website. After you publish your content Google find your content and rank your content on top 10 place. If your content is most helpful for people Google rank your content on first place. And you get the traffic from there.

I hope you have get some information from the article.


                  Are you know how can made our website SEO optimized?